Human Trafficking
Anti-Human Trafficking Program
Human Trafficking
Lake Family Resource Center Human Trafficking Program assists and supports women, men and children survivors of sex or labor trafficking.
Human Trafficking is the illegal practice of buying or trading human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation.
Our services include the following:
Individual Counseling
Support Groups
Court Accompaniment
Emergency Shelter
Restraining Order Assistance

Victims can be anyone:
- Young children, teenagers, men and women
- All races and genders
- Those in vunerable situations who are taken advantage of by someone who promises money, love or stability.

Indicators of Human Trafficking
- Fatigue, injury, or other evidence of poor care and hygiene, withdrawal, anxiety, paranoid behavior, afraid to talk, or his/her communication is censored by another person.
- No freedom of movement
- Unaware of the location or their address
- No control over his/her own finances or identification documents
- Heavy security (barred windows, locked doors, electronic surveillance, isolated location); individuals are not seen leaving unless they are accompanied
- Prohibited from leaving the work site or the site where he/she lives (often the same site)
- Owes a debt to his/her employer
Who is most vulnerable?
Anyone can experience trafficking in any community, just as anyone can be the victim of any kind of crime. While it can happen to anyone, evidence suggests that people of color and LGBTQ+ people are more likely to experience trafficking than other demographic groups.
Generational trauma, historic oppression, discrimination, and other societal factors and inequities create community-wide vulnerabilities. Traffickers recognize and take advantage of people who are vulnerable.
Call or text 24/7 to reach an advocate
Community Crisis Line
People may be vulnerable to trafficking if they
- Have an unstable living situation
- Have previously experienced other forms of violence such as sexual abuse or domestic violence
- Have run away or are involved in the juvenile justice or child welfare system
- Are undocumented immigrants
- Are facing poverty or economic need
- Have a caregiver or family member who has a substance use issue
- Are addicted to drugs or alcohol

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Call 707-279-0563